Jim Stickley speaks at hundreds of board meetings nationwide on cybersecurity related topics and can now speak to your board as well.
Each day new cybersecurity related threats are discovered, many of which can impact your organization. Deciphering which threats are most relevant to your organization and where the board should focus attention to address these cybersecurity related threats is what Stickley does. When Stickley addresses your board, he presents an informative yet entertaining view of the cybersecurity landscape. In addition, Stickley also walks through the latest cybersecurity related regulations, pointing out areas where regulators are most concerned, again helping boards focus their attentions on the things that matter most.
Stickley will also spend time interesting with your board, answering their questions and discussing any cybersecurity related agenda items, giving advice as needed and presenting other non-biased options the board could consider to address pending issues.
While Stickley is available to come onsite to meet with board members, through the use of creative use of technology, Stickley has created a solution for the board that includes, video, written documentation and live video conferencing to meet all of your board meetings needs and schedule. Ultimately, having Stickley available for your board when your board is prepared and ready.
Contact Us today to get more information and find out how Jim Stickley can personally provide the cybersecurity update that your board requires.